SecureView Tablet

The Kankakee County Sheriff's Office and Securus Technologies have entered into an agreement so you can provide your incarcerated friend or family member with the technology to help them prepare for their release in a constructive and beneficial manner. This tablet is a month-to-month paid service that comes standard with a wireless outbound phone system, as well as services that can help a person overcome challenges, cope with incarceration in a healthy way, and get a start building a productive life on the outside.

  • Outbound Phone System: enables inmates to place calls to anyone, anytime, in relative privacy and safety. Helps avoid confrontations in common areas. Standard in-facility rates apply.

  • Job Search: this application provides a large database of local and national job opportunities to inmates. This database allows inmates to look for employment prior to their release.

  • Law Library: allows inmates to educate themselves about their case, by finding state and federal cases, codes and litigations, jurisdiction specific codes, and more.

  • Podcasts: provides both verbal and visual information to inmates that can benefit them. For example, categories may include but not be limited to: self-help, religious, vocation, education, and sports information.

  • Education Assistance: enables inmates to take assessments towards GED testing, and receive classroom instruction in many subjects like English, Math, Science, and more.

  • Religion: offers publishing from a variety of religions, for spiritual guidance and growth.

  • Music: Provides categorical music to inmates which, depending on facility approval, may be streamed and stored on the tablet device.

  • EBooks: provides access to books based on book type (i.e., fiction, non-fiction, adventure, etc.). The app allows an inmate to choose the book to read and upload it to his/her tablet device.

  • Inmate Services: this application gives inmates access to jail policies and procedures, real-time notices from staff, and a way to report issues.

  • Games: this application allows inmates to play over 25 different card games as well as Sudoku.

For more information or if you are interested in leasing one your loved one, please visit

Securus Tablet Brochure

Securus Tablet Flyer