Director - Becky Powell
Office Mgr - Angela Buzas
Non-Emergency Number: (815) 802-7172
EMA stands for Emergency Management Agency and is an important part of the Kankakee County Sheriff's Department. EMA works closely with surrounding communities and businesses to develop detailed procedures and preparations in the case of an emergency or disaster.Events and Activities of the Department:
Testing of sirens on the first Tuesday of every month. If your local sirens do not function properly, please call us at (815) 802-7172 to make a report.
For information regarding the annual severe weather spotters seminar call 815-802-7172.
IPRA - The Illinois Plan for Radiological Accidents. This plan is in association with the Braidwood Nuclear Power Plant to ensure safety in case of a nuclear disaster. The IPRA is graded on 16 objectives by a Federal government team.
EMA coordinates with the National Weather Service to notify the public in case of a severe weather alert. Each March there is a Severe Weather Seminar for the public. This seminar is to educate the public to recognize severe weather conditions. A local meteorologist is scheduled to present an informative program that will take place at Kankakee Community College. Please watch for details.
LEPC -The Kankakee County Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) was created by an act of Congress known as the “Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act” of 1986 (EPCRA). The law requires that each state establish planning districts. In Illinois, the Governor named each county a planning District. The goal of the Kankakee County LEPC is to promote chemical emergency preparedness and prevention throughout Kankakee County. A Local Emergency Planning Committee is designed to serve as a community forum for issues relating to preparedness for emergencies involving hazardous substances. The Local Emergency Planning Committee works with companies in the local area that deal with hazardous materials.
LEPC Quarterly Meeting Schedule
*All meetings will be held at 2:00pm at 3000 S. Justice Way, Kankakee, IL.
-January 2nd
-April 3rd
-July 3rd
-October 2nd
Kankakee County Emergency Management Agency maintains a listing of persons in the County that may have Access and Functional Needs (AFN) during an emergency. AFN refers to individuals who need assistance due to any condition (temporary or permanent) that limits their ability to act during a natural or man-made major emergency in their area. This includes individuals with physical, developmental or intellectual disabilities, chronic conditions or injuries, limited English proficiency, older adults, children, low income, and/or transportation disadvantaged.
Access and Functional Needs Form
For Additional Information
-Ready Illinois
-US Department of Transportation Pipeline & Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
-2020 Emergency Response Guidebook
-Illinois Emergency Management Agency