Keep Windows safe with anti-virus programs

Keeping your computer safe is a very important part of keeping a functional machine. Viruses slow down your PC, cause massive issues with even operating the system and could even result in a financial loss.Luckily now days, there are many anti-virus programs out there to try to keep you safe. If you have recently purchased a new Windows 8 PC, the good news is that there is already one built in the system. Even though the PC probably came with a trial of McAfee/Norton/etc, if you decide to not pay for those, Microsoft included Windows Defender (based off their Windows XP/7 program Windows Security Essentials). Windows Defender/Security Essentials are free Microsoft programs that will automatically update from Microsoft with the latest anti-virus definitions to try to keep you safe.Keeping an up to date anti-virus program is only part of keeping yourself free of a virus.

  • Always be aware of links in emails! Even though it may be coming from a friend, they could have been infected and sending false links.
  • Beware of software that asks to install / "update" unexpectedly. If you didn't seek out the program to update/install, it may be a cleverly crafted virus to make you think it's safe.
  • Now days, it's our browser plugins getting attached more than our computer's operating systems. Keeping Adobe Flash, Adobe Reader, Java and other plugins up to date is more important than ever. These are now the most common attack vector for the evil do'ers to exploit.

Keep safe!


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