Additional Information Regarding Rural Burglaries

Kankakee, IL- Since the Kankakee County Sheriff’s Office posted their most recent Press Release in reference to the rural Burglaries (predominately occurring in the south western portions of Kankakee County), sheriff’s deputies have responded to several other burglary-type related calls in the area (including 8 calls within one hour yesterday afternoon that were either related to suspicious persons/vehicles or burglaries/attempted burglaries).  Although the initial burglaries appeared to likely occur during the daytime hours, the most recent burglaries have been reported during the late afternoon and early evening hours.  Sheriff’s Investigators are following-up on an abundant number of tips, which they credit area residents/motorists for.“Despite our limited resources in terms of manpower, we feel confident that we’ve received some useful information regarding the suspect(s) involved and the vehicles that they have been using,” said Sheriff Tim Bukowski.  “I applaud all of those who have called in to report suspicious behavior, provide police with license plates and to residents who have simply heightened awareness by spreading the word.  This information proves invaluable and will likely allow investigators to evaluate consistencies as more continue to come in.”Sheriff’s Deputies have had several similar vehicles and persons being reported as suspicious in the area.  Investigators have also received several tips that lead them to believe that the person(s) responsible is knocking on the resident’s door(s) prior to forcing entry and using the excuse that he is lost and looking for directions to Interstate 55 upon encountering a homeowner.The Sheriff’s Office encourages everyone in the area to remain vigilant and to continue calling in with tips and reporting any type of suspicious activity/behavior in the area, regardless to the time of day.

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Rural Residents Need To Use Caution


Rural Burglaries Surge During Daytime Hours