Rural Residents Need To Use Caution

Kankakee, IL – Kankakee County Sheriff Tim Bukowski warns area residents to use caution after several vigilante-like activities were reported.  As tension over the recent burglary rash rises, many residents in the southwestern portions of Kankakee County have taken it upon themselves to begin patrolling the area looking for those responsible.  While the Sheriff’s Office continues to encourage homeowners and motorists in the area to remain vigilant and pro-active by calling in suspicious behavior, they remind the public to contact law-enforcement whenever they observe something out of the ordinary.“The fact that people in the area have been providing police with vehicle descriptions, including photographs and license plates, has been absolutely outstanding and extremely beneficial in terms of our investigations,” said Undersheriff Mike Downey.  “However, it is imperative that residents in the area realize the dangers and criminal implications of getting themselves too involved by approaching subjects that they personally think do not belong in the area.”The Sheriff’s Office has received numerous complaints over the last week of different residents arguing and having negative conflicts regarding their civilian-patrols.  In addition to residents calling in other local inhabitants as being suspicious, Sheriff Tim Bukowski advises that several reports have indicated some as going as far to follow suspicious vehicles for miles or even approaching people in the area to inquire their reasons for being present (all of which had legitimate and legal reasons for being in the area).The Sheriff’s Office continues to encourage active participation by the community-at-large, but requests that everyone adhere to the law and contact law-enforcement to investigate anything suspicious. 

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Additional Information Regarding Rural Burglaries