
Kankakee County Sheriff’s Office Releases Free Mobile App to Public

Sheriff Mike Downey announces the release of a new mobile app, which is available as a free download from the iPhone and Android app stores. The app’s timely release will mean the availability of alerts, news, and resources of importance to
Kankakee County citizens and businesses. This app includes two important COVID-19 resources:

Sign up for CDC COVID-19 alerts from…

Rumor Patrol: Subject Impersonating Police

BE ADVISED: We have heard of numerous rumors circulating suggesting that police officers are randomly stopping motorists to inquire their reasoning for driving and asking for the drivers to display proof that their travels are deemed essential. Please be advised that this is NOT true. We have received multiple reports that someone, NOT a Sheriff’s Deputy, is pulling over motorists in…

Sheriff Downey Postpones Sheriff Sales

In conjunction with other on-going efforts to limit contact and exposures amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Sheriff Mike Downey announced earlier this morning that the Sheriff’s Office will be postponing all Sheriff Sales until further notice.

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Sheriff to Screen Visitors to Kankakee County Courthouse For Temperatures

Effective immediately, Sheriff Mike Downey is screening all employees and visitors for temperatures prior to admittance at the Kankakee County Courthouse.

While most active court cases have been continued until after April 17th, there are still active courtrooms managing specific hearings andemergency matters.

“A Corrections Officer will be posted at the entrance to the courthouse to…

Sheriff/Coroner Screen Visitors to Public Safety Building Amid Pandemic

In an effort to limit exposures to the COVID-19 virus, Sheriff Mike Downey and Coroner Bob Gessner are screening visitors to the Timothy F. Bukowski Public Safety Center (administrative offices for both the Sheriff’s Office and Coroner’s Office) until further notice. The building, located at 3000 South Justice Way, Kankakee, IL, will still be available to the public during regular business…

First Positive Case of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Kankakee County Confirmed

The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH)
has confirmed the first positive case of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in
Kankakee County.

It is important to remember that even
though there has been a confirmed case this is not cause for panic.

The Kankakee County Health Department is working
closely with IDPH, AMITA St. Mary’s Hospital and Riverside Medical Center to
prevent further…

Sheriff Downey Closes Detention Facilities to Public

March 13, 2020- Kankakee, IL- In an effort to protect inmates in the Jerome Combs Detention Center & Kankakee County Detention Center, as well as staff and the general public from the current COVID 19 pandemic, Sheriff Mike Downey has announced the following changes in operations at both Kankakee County correctional facilities. Effective at 5:00 p.m. today, there will be no more in-hous…

Illinois Trust Act is Invalid and Unenforceable, Sheriffs Allege in Lawsuit

March 9, 2020‐ Kankakee, IL‐ A group of four elected Illinois sheriffs Monday filed a joint lawsuit in U.S. District Court for Northern Illinois seeking a preliminary and eventually a permanent injunction against the Illinois Trust Act, a 2017 state statute that restricts the ability of law enforcement officers to coordinate with federal officials regarding the custody of illega…

New State Policy Allows Convicted Felons Evade Federal Authorities

KANKAKEE, Ill. — Illinois Sheriffs are raising alarms that a recent policy change by the Illinois Department of Corrections (IDOC) allows dangerous felons to be released back into Illinois communities. This is occurring despite valid requests by federal immigration authorities to transfer the convicted felons to a designated holding facility while the individual’s immigration case is…

Rural Chebanse Resident Arrested for Multiple Sex Crimes

Kankakee, IL- Yesterday afternoon (2/19/20), sheriff’s deputies arrested 19 year-old Adrienne Adams, of rural Chebanse, on several sexual-related crimes that occurred in the rural St. Anne area to multiple victims over several months. 

“A credit to sheriff’s investigators who have spent a great
deal of time working on this complex case to gather the necessary evidence,”

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